Grateful for Kindergarten
Tomorrow Holden will start Kindergarten and I am full of emotions! On one hand I am
incredibly grateful. And then, of course there is a part of me that wants to
hold onto my little guy and not let him go. I’ve loved the time we’ve had together. But tomorrow things will change!
Fortunately change is not always a bad thing. There were doctors who cautioned
us that Holden may never make it to Kindergarten. Other doctors said if he
survived, that he would be on oxygen indefinitely. And then there were the
doctors who said his conditions were complicated and they had no idea what his
future would hold. Finally, the doctors who suggested we pray for a
miracle. It was a rough first couple of
years, but I prayed like I never prayed before.
I begged God for a miracle. And little by little, things changed. Holden
started doing things that many doctors were not sure he’d ever be able to do.
We had an
appointment with Holden’s cardiologist last Thursday to review results from a
recent echocardiogram. Despite my faith, these appointments always cause me
anxiety because Holden is living with three pulmonary veins, instead of four
like you and I. He also had pulmonary hypertension and a small hole in his
heart. Early on, it seemed like echo results often identified additional problems
and concerns. Fortunately (or miraculously) his body created collaterals to
pump the blood from his heart to his lungs. Doctors have said that this is “un-chartered”
territory and don’t know what the future holds. But Thursday, Holden’s
cardiologist told us that he longer has pulmonary hypertension. His pulmonary pressures
are finally normal. And the hole in his heart is practically closed. And the
doctor feels good that as Holden grows, the collaterals will grow and keep up.
It was amazing news!
So while I
still find it painful to look back, taking a temporary peek into the past
certainly helps me appreciate where we are now. It humbles me beyond belief. It
helps me keep things in perspective. It helps me not take a single day for
granted. And it helps me embrace change.
So I will put
on a brave smile as Holden gets out of the car tomorrow morning and save my
tears for after the door slams and my sweet kindergartener walks into his first
day of elementary school. It is then that I can have my moment to break down understanding
how truly blessed we are!
the past, living in the present and celebrating the future,
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